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More than 120 artists are part of the LISTROS initiative. Their works span a wide range from realistic descriptions of experience to very personal views on the daily lives of Ethiopian listros (shoeshiners), to suggestions about what we all have in common and can learn from each other.

Each artist is granted lifelong membership in exchange for the donation of a piece to the collection. All are encouraged to remain involved with future projects undertaken by the gallery and their donations support the work of LISTROS e.V.

The LISTROS initiative poses the challenging question: “How can art reflect social reality by using different strategies?“ To answer this, LISTROS continuously examines processes of social transformation and confronts the public with unusual questions in connection with Africa. This triggers new perspectives and viewpoints. Artists are invited to join the projects and concepts evolving from this. These includes exhibitions, architectural projects, artists' travels to Ethiopia, educational work and intercultural dialogue.

The inclusion of new topics regularly expands the GALLERY'S dialogue with international artists. Currently, special attention is paid to the cooperation with artists from African countries and the diaspora and upcoming exhibitions will center on this field of contemporary art.